Role Of Montana State Library

In some ways, the role of Montana State Library in the certification program has changed with the 2009 update. The updated program requires less paperwork and continuing education activities are verified locally. This means that the State Library will no longer issue CE forms to verify attendance. Tracking of CE activities with the goal of achieving certification will be done by individuals participating in the certification program. The State Library will provide an online Certification Continuing Education List for major events sponsored by MLA and MSL. Program participants will be able to select which trainings were attended and transfer those selections to their individual tracking form. See the Keeping Track Of Continuing Education Credits section of the manual for more information about this form. Verification that an individual has met the certification requirements will be provided by library administrators for their staff members.

Montana State Library will continue to be active in assisting libraries and librarians with meeting continuing education needs and achieving certification. MSL staff will continue to provide assistance with determining the credits and CE category of training offered for Montana librarians. Certification applications will continue to be submitted to State Library staff and certificates will continue to be issued by the agency.

In addition, Montana State Library is charged with:

Promoting the value of CE to library administrators, staff, support staff, and funders.

Encouraging boards to support CE for library staff and to consider special recognition for achieving certification.

Developing and providing quality training in all formats.

Keeping Montana librarians informed of CE opportunities.

Increasing recognition for individuals who earn certification.

Encouraging boards to use certification as a hiring and promotion tool.

Implementing electronic certification manual, forms, and tracking capabilities.

Clarifying program features and requirements.

Enlisting library directors to assist with tracking and verifying CE credits for staff.

Providing a list of major continuing education events for certification participants to use to track CE credits.

One important goal of the update process is that greater recognition will be given to individuals who achieve certification. The State Library will do this at various levels including letters to library administrators, press releases to local newspapers, announcements at library meetings and conferences, and other methods of featuring those who have reached this accomplishment. Individuals will be able to direct the State Library's recognition efforts by indicating on the certification application form the level of recognition they prefer.

MSL staff will be available to provide information about continuing education and the certification program.