Present Your Idea to the Community

Begin approaching community groups. Ask to be given time at the business meetings of service clubs--such as the Kiwanis and the Rotary - as well as educational organizations - such as the school board and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Talk to these groups about the library district - discuss library services that you will offer and the importance of tax-supported libraries. You will need to talk about costs. The most successful efforts often tie the small cost of libraries to common items that people purchase. Contact other library districts or MSL staff for examples.

Try to take at least two people to each group: one to speak and one to record what is said. After the meeting, look at recorded questions and comments. Count the ones that seem positive and the ones that seem negative. Analyze the meeting by answering the questions who said what, what was said, what wasn't said, and why was it said. This is subjective, but will add to the value of counting the number of positive versus negative comments. Based on both your objective and subjective analysis of the meeting, determine whether or not changes need to be made to the presentation.

ASPeN: The New Library Directory

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