Task A Six: Presenting the Idea to the Community

Begin approaching community groups, once you have identified an interest in districting and you have defined your vision. Ask to be given time at the business meetings of service clubs--such as the Kiwanis and the Rotary - as well as educational organizations - such as the school board and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Tell these people what you have been thinking about. Present your vision, but be honest about the costs. Talk about tax-supported library service.

Try to take at least two people to each group: one to speak and one to record what is said. After the meeting, look at recorded questions and comments. Count the ones that seem positive and the ones that seem negative. Analyze the meeting by answering the questions who said what, what was said, what wasn't said, and why was it said. This is subjective, but will add to the value of counting the number of positive versus negative comments. Based on both your objective and subjective analysis of the meeting, determine whether or not creating a library district is a possibility. [Refer to Assessment Phase Form A: Group/Individual Meeting Analysis at the end of this section.]

You will need to continue meeting with community groups, as you continue the assessment and planning phases. Begin with those who are likely to be the most positive. You will build your own confidence and you will have a reality check on the prospects of success. If organizations that normally support the library are not doing so, then your chances of succeeding are not good.

If you find support where it should be, the next step is to see if there is support in less likely places. Talk to organizations that do not represent educational or community improvement interests. You will learn whether there is adequate support to proceed, and you will begin identifying supporters and opponents to the effort.