Board Bylaws

The Board's bylaws provide the general structure for your work and ensure continuity and consistency in legal, financial and policy-making activities. Bylaws should be periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant. For more information about each of the sections below please see Suggestions for Bylaws for Montana Library Boards.

Typically, the Board bylaws include the following articles:

Article I. Name of the organization

Article II. Object and reason for the group's existence

Article III. Members

Qualification for membership, types of membership such as honorary, attendance requirements, resignation, who can vote, how members are appointed and removed, filing vacancies, etc.

Article IV. Officers

When elections are held, nominations, voting, filling vacancies as well as the term of office and duties of officers.

Article V. Meetings

Quorums, meeting dates and times, how to call a special meeting.

Article VI. Executive Board or Board of Directors

The executive board duties and responsibilities. Small library boards generally do not have executive boards so you may not see this section in your board bylaws.

Article VII. Committees

Names of standing committees, membership, selection of members, attendance and duties.

Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority

Clearly stated rules of order and a system for resolution of discord.

Article IX. Amendment of Bylaws

Details on procedure for changing bylaws including required notice and vote.

Some organizations have additional articles for finances, policies, discipline and other matters. A source for information about bylaws is Robert's Rules of Order.