Comparing the Roles of the Library Board and the Director


  • Employ a competent and qualified director.
  • Develop a long-range plan, vision and mission statements and review them periodically.
  • Determine and adopt written policies governing operation and program of the library. Review policies periodically.
  • Determine the goals and objectives of the library and methods of evaluating progress toward meeting them. Secure adequate funds to carry out the library's program.
  • Establish, support, and participate in planned public relations and marketing program.
  • Assist in preparation of the annual budget and approve it.
  • Present the budget to the funding agency, public officials, and the general public; explain and defend it.
  • Monitor budget expenditures during the fiscal year.
  • Know local and state laws; actively support library legislation in the state and nation.
  • Board governs.


  • Employ personnel with the board's input and supervise their work.
  • Provide input to the Board on regional/national library issues and statewide trends in library management.
  • Suggest needed policies for Board consideration. Carry out the policies as adopted by the Board.
  • Prepare regular reports with library's current progress and future needs. Suggest and carry out plans for extending library's services.
  • Maintain active public relations program.
  • Prepare an annual budget in consultation with the Board. Give a current report of expenditures against the budget at each meeting.
  • Closely follow the budget process. Provide leadership in supporting the budget.
  • Oversee expenditures from budget including selection and ordering of all library materials and equipment.
  • Know local and state laws; actively support library legislation in the state and nation.
  • Director manages.