Project Management

Project Charter template

Two part webinar series from the Coalition of Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries, and Museums and hosted by WebJunction (scroll down on these pages to find resources and archived recordings):

Compilation of resources from WebJunction related to project planning.

Ten Examples of Successful Library Collaborative Projects (from TechSoup)

Sample project budgets from Grantspace

SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Acheivable, Relevant, Time-Bound)

October 2017 - MT SLLI webinar - creating project budgets from scratch:

  • identify what type of budget is needed
  • distinguish between direct and indirect costs; consider contingency/reserves
  • estimating costs (expert judgment, estimates/bids, analgous activities, best-case/worst-case/most-likely-case 3 point average, industry standards)
  • matching expenses to the need and desired outcomes
  • projecting expenses in a timeline

Project management webinar- OneNote, Logic Models, Project Charters

Coming in January:  webinar on managing change.