Geographic Names


 The Montana Geographic Names Framework (MGNF) holds names and locations for cultural and geographic features in Montana. For most features, this is the Federally recognized name from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). This is intended to include the names of all features, current and historical, that are shown on maps.

Data and Documentation 





The Montana Geographic Names Framework is made up of location data for Montana's names and locations of any object, other than roads, whose name can appear on a map. These include streams, valleys, mountain peaks, buildings, parks, towns, and counties. The two primary uses of these data are as a source of names for placing labels on maps and as a searchable database, or gazetteer, that provides the geographic location these names.

The Geographic Names Framework is based on the federal Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). The Framework contains edits and additions to the GNIS that have not been accepted by the federal government yet.

Corrections to the locations, attributes, and names of artificial features in the Framework may be submitted to the State theme steward or to the USGS. Corrections to the locations and attributes of natural features may also be submitted. Changes to the names of natural features must be proposed to the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN). The BGN determines the official names of all natural features that appear in the GNIS and which must be used by all federal agencies.