2025 Legislative Session

Agency Information

Joint Appropriations Subcommittee (E) Information Requests

Legislative Night Handouts

Public & Tribal College Libraries Snapshot

  • Montanans access information through 82 public libraries, 30 public library branches, and 7 tribal college libraries. Communities surrounding Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, Helena, and Livingston also receive service from 6 bookmobiles.
  • Montanans visited their public and tribal college libraries an average of 3 times throughout the year, for a total of 3,265,611 visits in fiscal year 2024.
  • Montana library patrons checked out 5.5 million items in 2024, over 5 items per capita. 31% of those checkouts were done via a mobile device from electronic collections such as MontanaLibrary2Go using the Libby app. Electronic collections curated by Montana librarians give readers access anytime and anywhere to the information they need.
  • Through the State Library's Hotspot Lending Program, patrons in 51 counties borrowed hotspots from 88 libraries to access the Internet. Together, these patrons used over 950 Terabytes of data in FY 2024 to complete homework, search for employment, apply for jobs, and keep informed of current events. Hotspots also helped reduce social isolation with 45% of users reporting they used the devices to connect with family and friends.
  • The Montana Courier Alliance facilitated the movement of 421,391 books between libraries in FY 2024 (a 41% increase from FY 2019), exemplifying the efforts of public libraries to maximize value for their communities. This service allows patrons, such as a reader in Terry, to request a book from Ennis, which is then delivered alongside other requested materials in an efficient, cost-effective manner. By reducing redundant purchases and shipping expenses, the courier system enables local libraries to focus on curating collections that best meet the needs of their communities.

Public & Tribal College Libraries by Senate District

Click to view an interactive map.

Montana Public and Tribal College Libraries by Montana Senate District

Public & Tribal College Libraries by House District

Click to view the interactive map.

Montana Public and Tribal College Libraries by Montana House District

State Aid

State aid handout (printable version of the below information)

The 2023 Legislature reauthorized state aid to public libraries, increasing aid from $0.40 per capita to $0.50 per capita. At the same time, Legislature revised the definition of public libraries to include accredited tribal college libraries that provide services to the public.

According to Montana Public Library Standards which are established in Administrative Rule, a public library defined at 22-1-301(3), MCA, and created under Title 7, MCA, shall derive at least 70% of its revenue from local tax revenues (ARM 10.102.1158). This standard ensures that state aid supplements but does not supplant local tax support. In the last fiscal year, state aid made up 1% of total public library operating revenue with local revenue contributing 89% and the remaining 10% in grants, donations, and other similar one time resources. 

Example 1: Billings Public Library

  • State Aid:  $70,544 (1%)
  • Local Revenue: $4,010,607 (81%)
  • Total Operating Revenue:  $4,925,759 

Example 2: Wibaux County Library

  • State Aid:  $805 (1%)
  • Local Revenue:  $122,734 (97%)
  • Total Operating Revenue:  $126,003

(Public Libraries Survey, 2024)

Under the same Administrative Rule, a tribal college library that serves the public is required to receive recognition and support from the tribal council in its work to obtain funding (ARM 10.102.1158). This effort is mainly in the form of seeking federal grants. Four tribal college libraries met the standards to receive state aid in FY 2024 and received payment this fall:

  • Aaniiih Nakoda College Library - $2,232.50 
  • James E. Shanley Tribal Library - $3,558.00
  • Stone Child College Library -  $2,046.00
  • Woodenlegs Library - $2,315.50

Because payment was first received in FY 2025, the example below reflects operating revenue pre-state aid.

Example: Woodenlegs Library

  • Federal Revenue:  $95,360 (100%)
  • Other Revenue:  $0 (0%)
  • Total Operating Revenue:  $95,360

(Public Libraries Survey, 2024)


Montana State Legislature. (2024). Legislators. Retrieved December 27, 2024, from https://www.legmt.gov/legislators/.

Montana State Library. (2024). Public Library Standards [Data set]. Retrieved December 30, 2024, from https://mt.countingopinions.com.

Montana State Library. (2024). Public Libraries Survey: Montana public library annual statistical report [Preliminary data set]. Retrieved December 30, 2024, from https://mt.countingopinions.com.

Montana State Library and Montana Legislative Services Division. (2023). Montana Legislative House and Senate Districts, 2024–2032 [Shapefile]. Retrieved December 27, 2024, from https://msl.mt.gov/geoinfo/msdi/administrative_boundaries/.