Hot Spot Lending Program

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Hot Spot Program

Circulation Statistics for non-MSC Libraries

Non-MSC Library Usage Statistics Reporting
Non-MSC libraries participating in the mobile hotspot lending program use this form to report usage statistics. To report multiple months, please click "Submit another response" after clicking submit.

Example Circulation Policies/Templates for Hot Spot Programs

Missoula Public Library Circulation Policy

Lincoln County Library Borrower Agreement (docx for editing)

Arizona State Library User Agreement Template
Pg. 9 and 10 of this PDF have a template user agreement that you could adapt for your library

Maine State Library - Questions to Consider for a Hot Spot Lending Program
This resource is especially useful for if your library would like to continue the hot spot program beyond the pilot project time period.

Template for Directions on How to Connect to Mobile Hot Spots (docx for editing)

Template for Patron Hot Spot Directions/Troubleshooting (docx for editing)

Example Policies for Laptops/Devices for Checkout

Wedsworth Memorial Library Electronic Device Agreement (.docx)

Valier Public Library Laptop Checkout Policy (.docx)

UProvidence Laptop Checkout Form (.docx)

Stillwater County Library (.docx)

Jefferson County Chromebook Agreement (pdf)

ImagineIF Tech Connect User Agreement (pdf)

Great Falls Laptop Checkout Policy (.docx)

Great Falls Laptop Checkout Agreement (.docx)

Belgrade Laptop Policy and Agreement (.docx)

Suggested Check-In Procedures

For all devices, it is recommended that you tape the battery door shut to prevent a missing battery or SIM card tampering. When the hot spots are checked in, we strongly recommend that library staff check to make sure the hot spot SIM card is still present and that the SIM card number is the correct one for that device. You might want to add "Check for battery" and "check that the correct SIM card is in the device" to your list. If a hot spot is returned with a missing, damaged, or incorrect SIM card, please report that to MSL so that we can issue a replacement SIM card.

Suggested Overdue Procedures for Hot Spots

If a patron doesn’t return a hot spot to the library by the due date, we recommend giving them a 3-day grace period to return the device. After that time, you can contact Hot Spot support staff at to deactivate the device, which would render it useless to whomever has it. Once the hot spot device is returned to the library, please contact Hot Spot support staff again to reactivate it. Once it is reactivated, you can then put it back into circulation.

Hot Spot Replacements

If a hot spot is lost by a patron, or not returned, replacements will be covered by the State Library. 

Hot Spot Device Tracking and Record-Keeping

In order to suspend an overdue hot spot or cancel service on a lost or broken hot spot, the State Library must provide certain information to T-Mobile or Verizon. In order to facilitate cancellations and suspensions, we ask that libraries keep track of the following information for their hot spots:
For T-Mobile hot spots, please keep track of the SIM or IMEI number for each device.
For Verizon hot spots, please keep track of the phone number, username, SIM, or IMEI number for each device.

Fines and Fees with Hot Spots

The State Library prefers that libraries do not charge overdue fines on the mobile hotspots. We recognize that local policy may mean the library needs to charge an overdue fine equivalent to what is charged for physical materials. For Montana Shared Catalog libraries, fine options are:
No fines
10 cents per day
$1.00 per day

How to Set-Up and Use the Hot Spots (T-Mobile and Verizon)

T-Mobile Directions for Franklin T-9 Set-Up and Use (video)

T-Mobile Directions for Franklin T-9 Set-Up and Use (PDF)

T-Mobile Directions for Alcatel LINKZONE Set-Up and Use (website)

T-Mobile Directions for Alcatel LINKZONE Set-Up and Use (PDF)

Verizon Directions for Set-Up and Use


Hot Spot Quick Guides for Library Patrons (T-Mobile and Verizon)

T-Mobile Franklin T9 User Guide (Word)

T-Mobile Franklin T9 User Guide (PDF)

T-Mobile Alcatel Linkzone User Guide (Word)

T-Mobile Alcatel Linkzone User Guide (PDF)

Verizon Jetpack User Guide (Word)

Verizon Jetpack User Guide (PDF)

Instructions for HP ProBook Set-Up and Use

We encourage libraries to work with their IT staff and follow their standard IT procedures to set up and configure their HP ProBooks. For an overview of the devices, user accounts, and software, please consult the following HP ProBook Guidelines:

HP ProBook Guidelines for Libraries (PDF)

Each HP ProBook has been delivered with Microsoft Office 2019 installed, with two years of maintenance. Each device also has Deep Freeze software installed and configured. The HP ProBook Guidelines linked above contain brief instructions for using Deep Freeze. For more detailed instructions, please consult the Deep Freeze User Guide linked below:

Deep Freeze User Guide

If your library would like additional support or has any questions about the HP ProBooks, please contact the Hot Spot support staff at or at



Hot Spot Accessories that may be Useful

Spare charging cords for your hot spot devices can be purchased from Amazon as well as

Verizon devices will work with a USB Type C charger.

The two different types of T-Mobile devices require different charging cables:

The Franklin T9 hot spots will work with a Micro USB charging cable (similar to the type used with an Android cell phone).

The Alcatel Linkzone hot spots work with a USB C cable.

You may want to consider purchasing cases for your hot spots to prevent wear and tear. Verizon hot spots are pretty durable and don’t necessarily require a case. If you would like cases for T-Mobile devices, T-Mobile recommends these cases available on Amazon.

How to Report Hot Spot Issues

T-Mobile Hot Spots:

For general assistance and troubleshooting, the T-Mobile libraries can contact T-Mobile Government Support at


. Anyone can call this number--libraries or patrons. If you have more serious issues that can't be resolved, please contact the Hot Spot support staff at 

Verizon Hot Spots:

For any issues, please contact Hot Spot support staff at Please include a description of the issue that you are having.

Instructions for iPad Set-Up and Use

Extensive instructions for setting up and operating your iPads are available in the iPad User Guide. The State Library has prepared an abbreviated guide to setting up your iPads that contains links to video tutorials:

iPad Set-Up Guidelines for Libraries

iPad Tips for Set-Up, Security/Privacy, and Restoring

The following iPad Quick Start Guide available on also provides some useful guidance on setting up and using your iPad: 

For additional help with your iPads, we encourage you to contact Apple Support by calling


and selecting option 3 twice.

You may also contact the Hot Spot support staff at

How Do I Perform a Factory Reset?

A common solution to many connectivity and hotspot operational issues is to perform a Factory Reset. This will reset all of the device’s settings to the default values, including admin passwords, Wi-Fi name (SSID), and system settings. There are different methods to perform a factory reset depending on the hotspot model you are using.

T-Mobile Franklin T-9

Remove the back cover. Make sure the battery is installed and your T9 is on. Press down the reset button for 3 seconds and release. Then, your T9 will perform the reset and restart automatically. (For further information, please click here.)

T-Mobile Alcatel Linkzone 2

Press Reset key for 3 seconds to reset device. All LED indicators will flash blue 2 times to indicate that the device has been reset to factory mode. (For further information, please click here.)

Verizon Jetpack MiFi 8800L

The master reset button is in a small hole located on the bottom of the Jetpack, underneath the battery cover. Place one end of an unfolded paper clip into the master reset button hole. Press the reset button with the unfolded paper clip until the display shows "MiFi Powering Off" (about five to six seconds), then your Jetpack will restart. (For further information, please click here.)

What If a Hot Spot Says It's Out of Data?

The T-Mobile Franklin T-9 hot spots have a 20GB data limit set by default. This limit is set in the configuration settings and can be increased through the web interface for your T-9 hot spots.  Connect to the hot spot with a computer or phone, then navigate to the hot spot management page: http://mobile.hotspot/.com   Enter your password for the device and login. The default password is “admin” after which you will be prompted to change it. Select the “Settings” tab.  Choose the “Device” menu option, then select “Data Usage”.  There is an entry box where you can set the Usage Limit.  Set this to 500GB, which should be sufficient for each month.  Select “Save Changes”.  If you ever run into an issue with reaching the data limit, simply select a larger data limit.

Below you will find various templates and examples of hot spot marketing and outreach. You are more than welcome to use and alter these as you see fit. If you have examples from your library that you would like to share, we welcome any contributions!

Editable Marketing Templates for Hot Spot Outreach

Hot Spot Marketing Flyer (Grayscale)
Hot Spot Marketing Flyer (Color)
Facebook and Instagram Templates
Press Release Template (DOCX)

Montana Library Marketing Examples
Lincoln County Library - Facebook Post
Lincoln County Library - Flyer 1
Lincoln County Library - Flyer 2
Lincoln County Library - Hot Spot Inserts

Evaluation Surveys for the Hot Spot Program

Please print out paper copies of the survey and give them to patrons who participate in the program. Please enter the paper survey responses into the online survey - link listed below.

Hot Spot Patron Survey - English (PDF)
Hot Spot Patron Survey - Spanish (PDF)
Hot Spot Patron Survey - Online

Funding Sources

The initial setup of the Montana State Library hot spot lending program was funded by the following organizations in 2020:

Institute of Museum and Library Services (LSTA and ARPA funds)
CARES Act Funds
Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER)
Steele-Reese Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana

Thank you to our funders for making this project a possibility!TRUST.png