The Montana Library Certification Program was established to promote continuing education and to recognize librarians and trustees who continue to expand their knowledge and skills to provide improved services for patrons and communities.

Continuing Education and Certification Program Goals

Promote continuing education and demonstrate its impact for quality library services

Learn more about how continuing education supports quality library services through the MSL Continuing Education Dashboard.

Promote recognition for librarians who participate and libraries that encourage staff to continue learning

An official certificate is available for download and printing from ASPeN upon completion of certification requirements. MSL publishes an annual list of librarians and trustees who complete certification through our newsletters and a press release. 

Recognition can take many forms: presentation at a board meeting, introduction at a staff meeting, local press release, extra compensation, special parking spot, gift cards, social media or website post, newsletter feature—there are lots of ways to acknowledge certification.  The most important thing is to be consistent in how and when recognition happens.

Provide continuing education opportunities that benefit library directors, staff, and trustees

MSL strives to provide a variety of opportunities to engage in continuing education for all library staff and trustees.  Learn more about these opportunities by subscribing to our newsletters, visiting the ASPeN Event Calendar, and visiting our website.

Download and review the Certification and Continuing Education Handbook (July 2023)

These requirements emphasize library administration but also provide flexibility and personalized goals for specialization. The requirements increase flexibility and personal choices that library directors have in creating their own learning plans. 

The initial certification requirements set a foundation that can serve small and large library needs while the renewal encourages professional growth based on the unique circumstances of the individual and the library.

ARM 10.102.1160 Personnel sets the expectation that library directors must be certified. 

For library staff members who choose to complete an initial library administration certification track, the initial certification requirements have the potential to increase knowledge and skills that can help them move into leadership positions and improve library services.

Certificates are valid for 4 years. All public library directors must continue to participate in continuing education activities and renew certification every 4 years.

Newly hired directors will have 4 years from hire date to earn a certificate if they have not completed a Library Administration track prior to hiring.

Initial Certification

Total Credits

            60 continuing education credits earned in a 4-year period

Library Administration Category

            30 credits


            30 credits in any category

Renewal after Initial Certification

Total Credits

            60 elective continuing education credits earned in a 4-year period


Once you have the required number of credits, you will be prompted to submit your certification record through ASPeN.  The board chair will be contacted to verify your certification record after the MSL CE Coordinator reviews the submission.

Expired Certificates

If a director does not earn or renew certification within a 4-year period, a deferral can be requested from the State Librarian.  Please contact a library consultant for details and deadlines.

The trustee certification provides both flexibility and focus on library administration credits.  This optional track gives individual trustees choice in how they will engage in continuing education on the role of trustees and their specific responsibilities.  This is important for volunteer service on a public library board.  The requirements allow directors and trustees to plan ahead for continuing education needs that may change as trustees move on and off boards and as important continuing education topics change over time.

Certificates are valid for 4 years.

Total Credits

            15 continuing education credits earned in a 4-year period

Library Administration Category

            10 credits


            5 credits in any category


Once you have the required number of credits, you will be prompted to submit your certification record through ASPeN.  The board chair will be contacted to verify your certification record after the MSL CE Coordinator reviews the submission. The vice chair will verify the chair’s record.

The library staff certification provides a balance of foundation in library skills and flexibility for exploration and specialization.  This optional track gives individual staff members choice in how they will engage in continuing education.  The category requirements give library directors and supervisors support in planning continuing education for staff members who may not have prior experience working in public libraries.

Certificates are valid for 4 years.

Total Credits

            60 continuing education credits earned in a 4-year period

Library Administration Category

            5 credits

Library Services to the Public

            5 credits

Collection Management and Technical Services

            5 credits


            5 credits


            40 credits in any category


Once you have the required number of credits, you will be prompted to submit your certification record through ASPeN.  A supervisor will be contacted to verify your certification record after the MSL CE Coordinator reviews the submission.

Login to ASPeN to access the Continuing Education (CE) system to keep track of your continuing education credits and to apply for certification. 
CE events are added
  1. automatically if you register for an event within ASPeN
  2. added from the continuing education list in ASPeN
  3. input as an independent learning event
Once you have the requisite number of credits, you can submit your certification record through ASPeN.  A supervisor will be contacted to verify your certification record after the MSL CE Coordinator reviews the submission.
Access ASPeN Help for more information.

Specializations are available that make it possible for participants to be recognized for continuing education in a given category that is above and beyond the basic certification.

Participants can earn a specialization by accumulating a minimum of 20 credits (10 credits for trustees) in these categories:

  • Collection Management and Technical Services
  • Library Services to the Public
  • Technology

There is no specialization in Library Administration. Individuals interested in Library Administration as a specialization are encouraged to pursue the Initial Library Administrator Track.

Graduates of Master of Library Science (MLS) or Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programs are eligible for an Initial Library Administrator Track certificate.  Certificates awarded this way are issued as of the date of graduation, and renewal is due four years from the graduation date.  

To claim that certificate, librarians should:

  1. Login to ASPeN, and follow the directions found in the Help section for "ASPeN - Getting Started with Continuing Education" to create a Library Administrator Track Participation.
  2. Send an electronic copy (image or PDF) of your recent diploma to the CE Coordinator at the State Library.
  3. Follow the directions in ASPeN help for Applying or Renewing Certification in ASPeN. 

The CE Coordinator will review and file a copy of your diploma, record the relevant information into ASPeN about your degree, and issue your certificate.   A new participation track will be created for you to begin to collect credits toward your renewal.  

ASPeN Event Calendar – find and register for Montana State Library and Montana Library Association events.

MSL Learn – Montana State Library’s online learning platform.

MSL YouTube Channel – find recorded sessions from CE events to watch at your convenience and then claim CE credits in ASPeN.

Continuing Education Newsletter

Email Updates
To sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information below.

Montana Library Association (MLA) – MLA sponsors workshops, conferences, and other continuing education opportunities.

WebJunction – MSL sponsors access to a large collection of live webinars and online courses across all CE categories and jobs.

Other – trainings offered through your municipal or county government are a very good source for continuing education. Staff training days offered at your library are another way to claim independent learning credits.