Acronyms Frequently used by Montana State Library


AADB - The American Association of the Deaf-BlindACB - American Council of the Blind
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
National legislation giving civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities; it impacts libraries as services providers and employers.
AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
AG - Attorney General
ALA - American Library Association
Founded in 1876, ALA is the national association serving the interests of libraries and librarians.
ALTAFF - Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Foundations and Friends
ALTAFF is a national network of enthusiastic library supporters who believe in the importance of libraries as the social and intellectual centers of communities and campuses.
ARM - Administrative Rules of Montana
These are the official procedural rules that support the implementation of Montana laws.
ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act
The act providing for stimulus monies.
BARD - MTBL's Braille and Audio Reading Download Service
A free online braille and audio book, magazine, and other material download service for MTBL patrons
BIP - Broadband Initiative Program
Supported by the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
BMSC - Base Map Service Center
Formerly the Department of Administration's geographic and mapping services center, this group was administratively moved to the Montana State Library via Interagency agreement in September 2011. Along with NRIS it makes up the MSL Geographic Information component of the Library.
BTOP - Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
Supported by Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
BVA - Blinded Veterans Association (by State)
BVF - Broad Valleys Federation, see also Federations
CCG - Complies with Copyright Guidelines
CCL - Complies with Copyright Law
CE - Continuing education
Opportunities provided for personnel to improve and grow in their professions.
CLSP - Collaborative Summer Library Program (
CMLS - Certified Mailing List Service
MTBL's patron verification system with NLS
CST - Coal Severance Tax monies
DEQ - Department of Environmental Quality
DMS - DataManagement Services, Inc.
NLS vendor contract providing machine lending agency and certified mailing list services to MTBL
DNRC - Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
DPHHS - Department of Public Health and Human Services
DTBM - Digital Talking Book Machine
Digital talking book machines are loaned to MTBL patrons
EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service
Provides a single search interface that harvests and displays results from several catalogs and databases.
EPP - Executive planning process
Process used by the Governor's budget office in preparation of the biennium budgets.
Federal program providing discounts to eligible schools and libraries for access to telecommunications and information services, including basic local and long-distance phone services, Internet access services, and acquisition and installation of network equipment. The Universal Service Administrative Company's Schools and Libraries Division administers the E-Rate program for libraries.
ESRI - Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
The world wide leader for GIS software; the state maintains an enterprise license agreement for software purchases with this company (though, like OCLC, the company name is now just ESRI).
A geographical grouping of libraries of all types working together to provide a broader range of resources and services than each individual library can offer alone. Montana is divided into six federations; each has an advisory board and federation coordinator. The federations receive funding through the Montana Coal Tax Severance Fund.
FTE - full-time equivalent
A measure used by human resources personnel to indicate the number of full-time workers who would be employed if all part-time positions were added together. The FTE calculation is used for budgeting and reporting purposes.
FWP - Fish, Wildlife & Parks
FY - fiscal year
Used in budgeting to identify the twelve-month accounting period under which an organization operates. The State of Montana fiscal year runs from July 1 of current year until June 30 of the following year; the federal fiscal year (like for LSTA funding) runs from October 1 of the current year until September 30 of the following year.
FYE - fiscal year end
GIO - Geographic Information Officer
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GPL - Golden Plains Library Federation, see also Federations
HB2 or HB0002 - House Bill Two
House Bill Two was/is the general appropriations act passed each biennium by the Montana Legislature containing the budget for all Montana state agencies including the Montana State Library.
ILL - interlibrary loan
System of interlibrary cooperation, which allows libraries to obtain information and materials for their users from other cooperating libraries. Also referred to as resource sharing.
ILS - Integrated Library System
The computer based automation that libraries use for circulation and cataloging of library materials and the management of patron accounts.
IMLS - Institute of Museum and Library Services
Independent federal agency that provides programs of support for both libraries and museums and encourages library-museum partnerships. The agency administers the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)grant program to states.
ITPR - Information Technology Purchase Request
Documentation required by the State's Information Technology Services Division to document and justify IT purchases.
KLAS - Keystone Library Automated Systems
Catalog and database for MTBL patrons
LAN - local area network
Network that connects nearby computers, usually in the same building, using cables or wireless technology.
LBPH - Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (by State)
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
Funding administered by Montana State Library. The project is successful by enabling basic trustee Board training by other public library trustees. Training is provided on request and trainers volunteer their services.
LC - Library of Congress
National library of the United States that serves the U.S. Congress and provides services to all types of libraries.
LDD - Library Development Department
Division of Montana State Library that provides consulting services and training to librarians in Montana to assist with the improvement of library services statewide.
LIS - Library Information Services
Program of the Montana State Library that administers the state depository library program, provides reference service, interlibrary loan service, and bibliographic control and access to MSL collections including state publications, natural resource information about Montana, and professional library development material.
LSTA - Library Services and Technology Act
Administered under the Institute of Museum and Library Services with the primary focus on improving library services through technology, encouraging sharing of resources and targeting library and information services to underserved populations. LSTA grants are awarded annually to all state libraries for use in statewide and local projects. In Montana, the Montana State Library Commission establishes priorities for LSTA funds.
LVM - Low Vision Montana
An information and referral service for Montanans seeking low vision resources.
MAB - Montana Association for the Blind
MAGIP - Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals.
MARC - machine readable cataloging
Standardized arrangement of bibliographic information for computer-based catalog records to permit sharing with other automated systems.
MCA - Montana Codes Annotated
The laws of Montana.
MDT- Montana Department of Transportation
MLA - Montana Library Association
State association with a membership composed of librarians from all types of libraries, trustees, friends and students. MLA's concerns are the welfare and professional development of its members, the advocacy of library needs and the assurance of open access to information for all Montana's citizens.
MLC - Montana Library Commission
The acronym often used by the Legislature and Governor's Budget Office for MSLC or Montana State Library Commission
MGIAC - Montana Geospatial Information Advisory Council
A council that advises the state Geographic Information Officer and discusses and makes recommendations related to GIS policies and standards in Montana.
MLS - Master of Library Science
Graduate degree from a library school or department.
MontanaLibrary2Go or MTLIB2GO
A consortium of Montana libraries which provides downloadable E-content to their patrons.
MOU - Memorandum of understanding
MPLA - Mountain Plains Library Association
Eleven-state association, including Montana, which seeks to improve present and future library services throughout the region.
MSC - Montana Shared Catalog
A consortium of all types of libraries from across Montana which share an online catalog and circulation system hosted by the Montana State Library.
MSDI - Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure
Thirteen datasets considered critical to GIS analysis in Montana. MSL managers the orthoimagery, hydrography and stewardship datasets. NHP is developin the wetlands dataset under a grant from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
MSDL - Montana State Digital Library
The "traditional" division of the library, MSDL staff manage collections, respond to reference requests, and provide access to a large variety of information with an emphasis on online access . LIS, NRIS and NHP are programs of MSDL.
MSL - Montana State Library
MSLC - Montana State Library Commission
The Governing body for Montana State Library. The governor appoints five members and two members are designees from the Office of Public Instruction and the Commissioner of Higher Education. Refer MCA 22-1-101.
MTSLR - Montana Statewide Library Resources
MTBL-MLA - Montana Talking Book Library's Machine Lending Agency
MTBL - Montana Talking Book Library
Department of Montana State Library that provides free equipment and materials to Montana citizens who are visually or physically impaired. MTBL is funded by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and state general funds. MTBL materials are provided by the Library of Congress or are recorded by TBL volunteer readers.
MTBL-MSC - Montana Talking Book Library's Multistate Center Services
NLS Resource Centers (East & West) providing Braille, foreign language, magazine and local recording QA services
NABS - National Association of Blind Students
NABV - National Association of Blind Veterans
NAC - Network Advisory Council
A geographically diverse group of Montana librarians representing all types of libraries that is appointed by the State Librarian. This group advises the Montana State Library in matters pertaining to library networks, resource sharing, library automation, online library resources, and training needs.
National Library Services
National Network of Regional Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
NFB - National Federation of the Blind
NFB - National Federation for the Blind
NHP - Montana Natural Heritage Program
A program of MSL under contract with the University of Montana. NHP provides information on Montana's species and habitats, emphasizing those of conservation concern.
NLLD - National Library Legislative Day
NLLD is usually scheduled in May each year as an opportunity for Library advocates to meet with our Congressional delegation in Washington DC to share views on library funding and issues.
NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Division of the Library of Congress, NLS offers free recorded and Braille-embossed books and magazines to individuals with visual and other physical conditions limiting use of regular printed materials. Montana State Library's Talking Book Library serves as a regional library for Montana.
NLS/BPH - National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service
A federal program of the Department of Agriculture. MSL has a contractual agreement to house and provide technical and GIS support for one NRCS employee.
NRIS - Natural Resource Information System
Program of Montana State Library, NRIS was established in 1985 to identify and acquire Montana's natural resource information and to provide a clearinghouse for this information.
NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the United States Department of Commerce
OBPP - Office of Budget and Program Planning of the Governor's office.
OCLC - Online Computer Library Center
Nonprofit library service and research organization located in Dublin, Ohio, used by libraries to catalog library materials, manage interlibrary loans and maintain location information on library materials. In Montana, many libraries of all types use the OCLC bibliographic database for cataloging, interlibrary loan and reference.
OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog
Automated catalog providing patron access through computers. See also PAC.
OPI - Office of Public Instruction
OTO - One time only
A phrase used when the legislature or Governor's budget office agrees to fund a program or service for one year or one biennium only. A new request would have to be filed to get funding beyond the one year.
PAC - Public Access Computer
User-friendly computer terminal that permits patron access to an automated library catalog. See also OPAC.
PATH - Pathfinder Federation of Libraries, see also Federations
PEEL - Professional education and employment for Librarians
A multi year grant program to provide scholarship monies for Montanans to attend Masters of Library or Information Science schooling and to provide stipends for Montana libraries to help pay for professional librarians to work in their libraries.
PLA - Public Library Association
Division of the American Library Association.
PNLA - Pacific Norwest Library Association
Seven-member regional library association promoting regional library activities and cooperation among five states including Montana, and two Canadian provinces.
RFP - request for proposal
Document issued to advertise for vendor proposals, equipment and software. Usually the RFP contains detailed specifications of the goods or services wanted.
RSS - Really Simple Syndication
An online tool used to push information to patrons via the web.
RUS - Rural Utilities Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
SABHRS - State Accounting, Budget, and Human Resource System
Software program that combines the state's accounting, budgeting, personnel, payroll, and asset management systems into one single system.
SAGE - Sagebrush Federation of Libraries, see also Federations
SO - Species Occurrence
A mapped representation of a known occurrence of a Species of Concern that typically includes an associated circular area of locational uncertainty concerning its exact location. Animal Species Occurrences usually include areas around the observation that represent a typical home range size for the species; suitable habitats within this area are likely occupied by the species.
SOC - South Central Federation, see also Federations
SOC - Species of Concern
A special designation used by NHP to denote plants and animals that are at risk or potentially at risk.
SuDoc - Superintendent of Documents
Classification system for federal publications.
SWIM - South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana
A joint professional education and employment for librarians scholarship program.
TAM or TAMFED - Tamarack Federation of Libraries, see also Federations
Electronic encrypted Braille books and magazine service for MTBL patrons. See BARD.
WIS - Water Information System
A program of NRIS that serves as a clearinghouse for water information in Montana.