Library Services and Technology Act Plans

The Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) requires each State Library Administrative Agency (SLAA) to submit a plan that details library services goals for a five-year period. These goals are based on identified needs and reflect the purposes and priorities outlined in the LSTA. 


2023-2027 LSTA Five-Year Plan cover

LSTA Plan 2023-2027

Montana State Library considered input from several sources to identify needs to be addressed in the new LSTA five-year plan. Sources include the LSTA Five-Year Evaluation, Core Services Committees evaluation frameworks, Library Federation needs, Directors Institute data, and the Talking Book program.

LSTA Five-Year Plan 2023 - 2027

The four goals prioritized in the 2023-2027 plan are as follows:

  1. All Montanans have access to library content, services, and information to achieve their personal, educational, and professional goals.
  2. All Montanans have sufficient access to and can
    use technology to enable their personal,
    educational, and professional growth.
  3. All Montanans live in communities where the local government and library work together to build resilient communities.
  4. All Montanans have access to learning experiences that support personal, educational, and
    professional growth.


Historical LSTA Five-Year Plans