Instructions for Using Landtype Association Coverage

Importing Landtype Association Coverage

US Forest ServiceThe export directory contains one file ( This is the compressed version of the Arc Export file which contains the Arc/Info Landtype Association coverage.

  • Copy the file called to a directory on the hard drive with sufficient memory to
    manipulate a large Arc-Info coverage. The compressed export file is approximately 37 megabytes. The imported coverage is approximately 123 megabytes.
  • Using the WinZip utility, uncompress the file. This will restore the file called r1ltas.e00.
  • The file is now ready to be imported using the Arc import command.

Data compatible with UNIX operating systems can be acquired by ordering a copy of the CDROM.

Ordering Landtype Associations CDROM

The LTA CDROM contains a complete set of maps, data tables and narrative descriptions for each of the Landtype Associations.  To order the LTA CDROM, email your request to Cathy Maynard at  Please include your name and full mailing address where the CD can be delivered.

USDA NRCS Montana State Office
Natural Resources Conservation Service
10 East Babcock Street
Federal Building, Room 443
Bozeman, MT 59715-4704
Phone: 406-587-6811
Fax: 406-587-6761

Catherine Maynard
Montana Natural Resources Conservation Service
Phone: 406-444-4546