MSL-USDA NRCS Natural Resources Data Partnership Climate and Water Supply
NRCS Climate and Water Supply
Monthly data summaries of quality-controlled snowpack, snow water equivalent, surface water supply indices and stream flow forecasts developed by the Montana NRCS Snow Survey & Water Supply Forecasting Program.
Montana Drought Story Map
In coordination with the Montana Governor's Drought and Water Supply Advisory Committee, MSL maintains a story map for viewing drought impact reports, publishes monthly maps of moisture status by county, and provides a questionnaire for submitting reports on the current status and impacts of drought.
Monthly data summaries of quality-controlled snowpack, snow water equivalent, surface water supply indices and stream flow forecasts developed by the Montana NRCS Snow Survey & Water Supply Forecasting Program.
Montana Relative Effective Annual Precipitation (REAP)
The Montana REAP data represents a 30-year precipitation data period sensitized to the landscape according to slope and aspect, then calibrated by soil scientists to known vegetation breaks on the landscape based on imagery, field experience, and published SSURGO/NASIS soils data.
- Download county maps (PDF format)
- Download data by county using the REAP web application
- View the REAP web service
Frost Free Days
This raster data can be used as a tool to determine growing season and suitability for certain crops. The data represent the spatial distribution of the number of days in which the daily minimum temperature is greater than 32 degrees Fahrenheit based on a 5 in 10 year probability.
Soil Temperature Regimes
This raster data can be used to determine the distribution of cryic and frigid soil temperature regimes. Data description.