Sample Press Release for Announcing a Federation
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Name of coordinator
Insert date Phone number of coordinator
Email address of coordinator
Name of Federation to Meet in Location of Meeting
City of meeting, MT -- The name of federation of Libraries will hold their - if regular seasonal meeting – indicate season meeting at the library and/or location of meeting in city where meeting is being held from time of meeting on day and date of meeting. The location of meeting is located at address of location.
In order to improve library services in Montana, the Montana State Library divided the state up into six regions; libraries within those regions formed federations. The name of federation Federation includes libraries in the following counties: list counties.
The Federations receive funding through the Coal Severance Tax monies that the state receives. This money is evenly divided amongst Federations using a formula based upon population.
The Federation will meet to discuss the following business: list agenda items.
For more information about Montana’s library federations, visit the Montana State Library website or contact coordinator’s name at coordinator’s phone number or coordinator’s email.