Fiscal year begins with libraries following the Plan of Service (POS) that was approved by the MSL Commission. Libraries receiving Federation funds in the last fiscal year can begin their annual federation report to the Federation Coordinator stating how the funds were spent. Directors can access the reporting tool in ASPeN. For information how to enter expenses see this KB article.
Federation coordinator and MSL consultant create an agenda for Fall Federation meeting, if needed. Individual libraries continue to complete their annual report using the tool in ASPeN. .
Federation coordinator and MSL consultant plan Fall meeting, organize continuing education (if needed) and send agendas to member libraries. Individual library annual reports for the Federation annual report must be completed. The Federation Coordinator reviews the dashboard and follows up with directors as needed. The Federation Annual Report is submitted to MSL by September 30. Federation meetings occur.
Fall Federation meetings continue. Federation members meet to discuss federation business and perhaps begin planning for the next fiscal year. Federation Coordinators meet the day before commission meeting. Federation Coordinators present Federation Annual Report to MSL Commission for approval.
Federation checks are mailed out in early November. Amounts are based upon the approved plans of service.
Libraries should be expending their funds and reporting their expenditures in ASPeN.
Federation Coordinator and assigned MSL consultant begin planning for Spring Federation meetings.
Libraries receive agenda and sometimes a draft Plan of Service (POS) in preparation for Spring meeting. Federation Coordinator and assigned MSL consultants continue to make arrangements for spring Federation meeting, plans, and CE activities. Federation meetings occur.
Spring Federation meetings continue. The federation members will create, vote on and finalize their POS for next fiscal year. Election of officers occurs. Libraries monitor funds to ensure all Federation funds will be spent by June 30. Libraries should check to see if expenditures of Federation money are following the POS. Variances should be reported to Federation Coordinator.
Federation Coordinator presents POS to MSL Commission for approval. End of fiscal year occurs on June 30.