

These standards cover the library building itself.

Essential Standards

I. Standard A
"The board and the director evaluate the library building every three years to determine adequate space needs."

Is the library adequate for the population that is serves? Is the library building crowded and running out of space? Is there a need for more room for computers? A teen area? Answering these questions can give library directors an idea of what needs to be done with library facilities. By taking the time to answer these questions and think about how to implement any solutions, the board and director can help improve library services.

II. Standard B
“The board and the director identify and attempt to address facility shortcomings.”

This standard is in place to encourage board and directors to identify problems or shortfalls with their buildings.  After identifying these shortcomings boards and directors are encouraged to address these issues, so that the building is a safe and welcoming place for both library users and staff.

III. Standard C
"The library facility is safe for the public and staff."

The library won’t be used very much if people feel unsafe.  It is important to ensure that the facility is safe for both the public and staff in order to increase enjoyment and productivity.

IV. Standard D
"The library's facilities conform to local requirements for accessibility."

This standard closely relates to an earlier standard about providing services for those with disabilities.  It comes back to a desire to make the library a welcoming place for everyone in the community.  Local practice may vary so this standard is asking directors and board members to identify what the local practice is for providing accessibility and at a minimum to meet that standard or attempt to exceed it.

Source: 10.102.1150K Public Library Facilities Standards

Guide to Essential Public Library Standards