Need help using the portal?

Use these links to learn more about getting around in the portal, teaching others how to use it, or to run a program around some of the unique special features in the portal. 

Some examples that could be fun and educational to share with a group include, adding items to a personal collection, tagging, and recollections

Prefer to see it in action? There are videos with examples, walkthroughs, and demonstrations under each section. The full MHP playlist is available on YouTube. 

Purpose, Scope, Mission, and Vision 


Introduction to the MHP

Using the Montana History Portal site: Access and initial set up 


A tour of the front page

Searching in the Montana History Portal 


Searching from the front page


Search from the side bar and settings

Searching for an Item within a Collection 


Using the search tools


Adding Items to a Personal Collection 


Adding and removing items from your collections


Citing Sources 

Tagging and Recollections 




Ordering Reproduction and Requesting Permission to use items 


Reproductions and Use

Other Videos:


My History