Aerial Photos of Montana
US Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP)
Click on a county in the map below to download the county mosaic images of the area, or download images directly from the ftp site.
These images have been compressed from the original quarter-quad tiles and are provided in MrSID format in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, units meters, datum NAD83.
Depending on the year, the downloadable products are multi-band images with three visible and one near-infrared wavelength bands, and an alpha band for identifying no-data areas. Most software will automatically display the first three bands as a natural-color image. To view the imagery as color infrared (CIR or false color), use band four as the red image, band one as the green, and band two as the blue.
Please see our Ordering Aerial Photos page if you need copies of the imagery for numerous counties or if you require the uncompressed quarter-quad tiles in TIFF format.