Ordering Aerial Photos

If you require aerial photos in TIFF format, you may send us a portable storage device and we will copy the data to it and return it to you.  Please include a message saying which image collection(s) you want data for and describing the region you need the images to cover.

If you do not require the entire state, you may click on the collection name in the table below to download a shapefile that shows the areas covered by each image.  Select the polygons for the images you need and send them to us, along with a storage device large enough to hold them, based on the typical image size.

Please remember to check the true capacity of the device you send us.  A two-terabyte device might not be large enough to hold 1800 Gb of data.

We may return your portable device to you via the U.S. Post Office or FedEx. Please include return postage with your device or arrange to pay FedEx for us to return it. Please note that the Post Office requires our PO Box address while FedEx requires our street address, which is now handled through the State Print and Mail physical address.

Please consider using our web services or compressed MrSID images rather than obtaining these large image collections.

NAIP Imagery Collection dates, imagery county, typical image size, total size, and coordinate system information
Collection Image Count Typical Image Size (Mb) Total Size (Gb) Tile Type Coordinate System
NAIP 2023 4-band 10,505 425 4180 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2021 4-band 11,776 428 4710 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2019 4-band 11,775 435 4740 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2017 4-band 13,072 403-438 5044 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2015 4-band 10,888 163 1730 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2013 4-band 11,776 163 1870 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2011 4-band 6,030 367 2160 5 mile square State Plane NAD83 HARN
NAIP 2009 4-band 11,793 160 1840 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2005 Natural Color 11,703 125 1430 Quarter Quad UTM NAD83
NAIP 2005/2006 Color Infrared 3,977 286 1110 10 km square State Plane NAD83

NAIP is the National Agricultural Imagery Program administered through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC-BC) Geospatial Enterprise Operations (GEO) Branch.

Post Office address:

Montana State Library
PO Box 201800
Helena, MT  59620-1800

FedEx and UPS address:

Montana State Library
C/O State Print & Mail
1698 A Street
Helena Mt 59601

NAIP web services:

Compressed NAIP images: