Introduction to Health Literacy

These are starting points to learn about health literacy and how it can affect a person’s

health and well-being.

The Library Connection

Bringing Public Health and Libraries Together - National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Harnessing the Power of Public Libraries - Midwestern Public Health Training Center

Health Literacy programs in Public Libaries Public libraries have become a common setting for health literacy programs, with librarians being an important partner in implementing health literacy programs. Librarians help improve health literacy by:

  • Providing a variety of health-related resources, including online and print materials
  • Evaluating the readability and understandability of health information and health-related materials
  • Developing new materials tailored to the health literacy needs of the community
  • Showing people how to use and access health-related information and digital resources on computers
  • Giving referrals to other organizations that can help provide health services
  • Distributing information about local health-related events
  • Helping conduct research about health topics requested by community members

National Network of Libraries of Medicine Health Literacy Page: How health literacy is not necessarily linked to education level or reading ability, and how lower health literacy results in lower overall health, increased use of health care services, and greater risk of hospitalization.

Oklahoma Department of Libraries - Health Literacy

University of Maryland Health Science and Human Services Library

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library The HSL works to raise awareness and educate healthcare providers, librarians, and the public on the effects of health literacy on individuals and the healthcare system. 

Web Junction Health and Wellness Page 

Libraries have a long history of meeting public demand for consumer health information. In addition to books and programs such as those that provide access to park passes, yoga, or seed libraries, an IMLS study showed that an estimated 37 percent of library computer users (28 million people) use library computers and seek assistance from library staff for health and wellness issues, including learning about medical conditions, finding health care providers, and assessing health insurance options. Helping the community to lead healthy lives is a core service of public libraries. Self-paced courses and webinar recordings on this topic are also freely available in the WebJunction Course Catalog.


More Health Literacy Resources

Agency For Healthcare Research and Quality - About Health Literacy

Are You Confused About Health Information? (12 minute Ted talk)

Caring for Indiginous Montanans series (MSU Extension) 

Duke University Health Literacy Guide

Duke University Health Literacy Tool Shed

Health Literacy Online: This research-based guide will help you develop intuitive health websites and digital tools that can be easily accessed and understood by all users — including the millions of Americans who struggle to find, process, and use online health information.

Institute for healthCare Advancement - Health Literacy Academy

MedLinePlus - Health Literacy Topic: This is a consumer-facing resource, so it provides very practical advice on how to be prepared for a doctor’s appointment, how to find information on your medication/drugs you are taking, common medical terms, etc.

National Academies Roundtable on Health Literacy

New Jersey State Library - The Importance of Health Literacy

Personal Health Literacy Measurement Tools

The Public Health Communicators Guide to Misinformation

Public Health in the 406 - Acheiving a Healthier Montana

Quick Guide to Health Literacy (OASH): Touches on plain language, how different rates of health literacy affect rates of use of different services, as well as how to advocate for health literacy in your community.

Teaching Skills that Matter in Adult Education - Toolkit

USDA - Health Literacy in Plain Language