Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) STEM Trunks



What are the SEAL STEM Trunks?

The SEAL STEM Trunks are activity trunks from the Space Science Institute that will help library patrons better understand and appreciate solar eclipses! These STEM Trunks are part of SSI's Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) initiative and aim to get people excited about upcoming solar eclipses in 2023 and 2024!

You can read more about the Space Science Institute as well as the SEAL Initiative at their website. 

What is in the SEAL STEM Trunks?

There are two trunks available: 

The main activities for these trunks both focus on using specialized solar viewing equipment to observe the sun and learn about eclipses. Here are recorded webinars for how to set up the solar viewing equipment, and other maintenance information:

Both trunks can be used with any age group, although the Sun Spotter trunk was designed with younger children in mind. 

Additional Resources

  • SEAL Initiative Main Page: This is a great landing page with tons of information about the SEAL project, and contains lots of links to additional activity ideas, information, and more. 
  • Solar Eclipse Activity Ideas on STARNet Libraries: This is a collection of 180 solar eclipse activity ideas for public libraries to use with patrons! Browse and look for cool things to try out!
  • STARNet Communities: STARNet Communities is a community of practice where public librarians can come and talk about STEM programming for their patrons. Sign up for a free account, and browse/share ideas! There is a specific section of the STARNet Communities dedicated to the SEAL Project.

How do I borrow/use a trunk?

Visit the MSL Trunk Program Page for more information on who can borrow a trunk, and what the expectations are for using a trunk!