MTBL has a new, updated list of audio and Braille magazines. Search here to review the list, and contact your Readers' Advisor to subscribe.
The National Library Service (NLS) has increased the loan period for audio magazines circulated on a cartridge. These cartridges are labeled "Magazines: Week (followed by a number)". Cartridges with only weekly magazines are now due three weeks from receipt (increased from one week). Cartridges with monthly magazines are now due seven weeks from receipt (increased from four weeks). Please remember cartridges need to be returned to receive the next issue. Issues may be missed if cartridges are not returned in a timely fashion.
As of September 2016, NLS will resume circulating the magazine cartridge and order form in the same package. This will begin with the September-October 2016 magazine issues. Remember that the order forms and magazine cartridges need to be returned separately with the cartridge going back to the producer in its red container, and the order form sealed and mailed to MTBL. If you have questions contact your Readers' Advisor.
MTBL is once again recording Montana The Magazine of Western History and Montana Outdoors. The loan period for these magazine cartridges is one month. Contact your Readers' Advisor to subscribe.
Talking Book Topics (TBT)
The National Library Service (NLS) publishes a bimonthly catalog of newly recorded NLS audiobooks titled "Talking Book Topics". Contact your Readers' Advisor to subscribe to either an audio or a large print subscription, or view the latest TBT on the NLS website,
No Story Should Go Untold
Sometimes the best words on the page aren't on the page. That's why Montana Talking Books offers high quality audio books and magazines recorded by trained narrators for your reading pleasure. Because No Story Should Go Untold.