About MSDI

The Montana Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) consists of statewide geographic data themes selected or recommended by the Montana Geospatial Information Advisory Council (MGIAC). MSDI datasets are generally accepted as the best available, standardized, statewide data that meet the essential, digital geographic information needs of Montana’s citizens, its government, commerce, legislature, area researchers, and more. New MSDI themes proposed must be approved by the Montana State Library Commission with applicants using the MGIAC approved process. Each MSDI theme is created or compiled by an organization employing GIS specialists with expert knowledge of both the theme and Montana’s landscape.

These organizations take on the role of “stewardship” for the data. Stewardship activities may include direct or indirect coordination of the production, maintenance, integration, enhancement, distribution, promotion, and support for that data theme.

MSDI datasets are in various states of development. The completion and ongoing maintenance of the MSDI is identified as a top priority by MGIAC.