Connecting with Local Government Officials

Developing strong relationships with local government officials is important to planning for the current and future success of your library. Trustees, directors, and library staff are invited to learn with us in an upcoming multi-part webinar series.

Next Webinar

October 17

  • 10:30 - 11:30
  • Libraries and Literacy with Jennie Stapp and retired IMLS Director Crosby Kemper

Additional dates and topics will be announced in the future. Visit the ASPeN Event Calendar for meeting links, recordings, and resources.

What You Will Learn

How to recognize and understand issues that are of importance to local government and community leaders.

How to use what you learn from officials to develop library services that build community and address community needs and aspirations. 

How to be prepared to talk about the library in terms of community well-being rather than “what” the library does.

What We Hope to Accomplish

More libraries work successfully with local government leaders for the betterment of the community.

Trustees and librarians see themselves as community leaders and are viewed as community leaders by others.