Montana Interlibrary Sharing Protocol
(Approved by the Montana State Library on October 7, 2009)
Interlibrary sharing service is essential to the vitality of libraries of all types and sizes as a means of expanding the range of materials available to library patrons. Sharing between libraries is in the public interest. This protocol is intended to make interlibrary sharing policies among Montana libraries as liberal, equitable and as easy to apply as possible.
The sharing of materials between and among libraries has been referred to by many different terms. For the purposes of this protocol, the terms "interlibrary loan,” "interlibrary sharing” are used interchangeably and refer to borrowing activity as well as lending activity.
Interlibrary sharing should serve as an adjunct to, not a substitute for, collection development. Libraries are responsible for developing collections that meet the individual and unique needs of their own communities. When resources within the state have been exhausted, loan requests to regional and distant libraries should conform to the provisions of the American Library Association’s National Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States (rev. 2008)1.
The original Montana Interlibrary Sharing Protocol was adopted by the Montana State Library Commission on December 12, 1990. This current version incorporates revisions offered by the Montana Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Interest Group and was approved for implementation by the Montana State Library on October 7, 2009.
The purpose of the Montana Interlibrary Sharing Protocol is to bring consistency, equity and efficiency to interlibrary sharing practices among all libraries in the state of Montana, thereby providing Montana citizens with maximum accessibility to the information they require.
An interlibrary loan is a transaction in which library material, or a copy of the material, is made available by one library to another library upon request. An interlibrary loan request represents a contract between two libraries.
Interlibrary Loan Search Sequence
Search your own library collection.
Consider purchasing the requested item, bearing in mind the following important points:
The availability of an item on interlibrary loan does not relieve any library of the responsibility for developing its own collection based on the needs of its community and clientele.
Titles in high demand, such as those appearing on current best seller lists, talk shows and/or published or produced within the previous twelve-month period are usually in use by the patrons of the holding library and may take a long time to obtain.
The costs associated with interlibrary loans, including staff time, mailing supplies, postage and any other fees may be more than purchasing an item outright. The most recent research indicates the average cost of an interlibrary loan is $18.35 for borrowing and $9.48 for lending.2
Consideration should be given to the purchase of multiple copies of the same title to be used in the classroom, for reserves, book clubs, etc., as an alternative to borrowing through Interlibrary Loan. It should be noted, however, that there are a number of book club kits available in the Montana Shared Catalog, as well as WorldCat, which may be requested for group use.
Check patron accessible libraries before going out of the local area. Refer patron to these libraries if possible and if the service is free to the patron.
Check WorldCat, DOCLINE or other online databases and catalogs in order to locate a library that owns the requested material.
If you are unable to locate an item following the steps listed above, it should be determined if the item requested exists as cited, and if not what the desired item actually is. Some interaction with a specialist librarian and the requestor may be necessary at this point. Once the citation has been verified, check appropriate, alternative interlibrary loan channels such as:
State libraries
Depositories and Special Collections
Historical societies
Other information centers that may possibly own the item
Interlibrary Loan Request Forms
When possible, requests should be submitted via OCLC Resource Sharing or Docline which allows libraries to set constant data for interlibrary loan request forms, and automatically fills out and delivers ILL request forms to possible suppliers in an electronic environment.
When this is not possible, an interlibrary loan request may be transmitted by fax, Ariel, e-mail or a lending library’s website, in accordance with the lending library's published interlibrary loan policies using an ALA Interlibrary Loan Request Form Please check the OCLC Policies Directory or the library’s website, as some libraries only accept requests through specific channels.
Regardless of how the request is transmitted, all relevant elements of an interlibrary loan form must be correctly and completely filled out. Incomplete request forms may result in requests being returned unfilled. Only one request is allowable per request form. The following are standard elements of an interlibrary loan request form:
Date – Date on which the borrowing library processes the request, usually today's date.
Need Before Date – The date by which the borrowing patron needs requested material. This should be left blank unless the patron has provided a specific Need Before Date when placing the request. A firm Need Before Date may result in the automatic cancellation of a request if it has not been filled by the time that date is realized in the routing sequence.
From/Ship To – The borrowing library’s complete mailing address. Incorporate the library’s OCLC or DOCLINE symbol into the address.
Patron Statement – The requesting patron’s ID number or patron code. The requesting patron's right to privacy requires that his/her name and other personally-identifiable information not be used on the interlibrary loan form that will be routed to other libraries (Montana Code Annotated 22-1-1101 to 22-1-1111)
Request Type – Loan or photocopy.
Bibliographic Information – Sufficient information must be provided to assure that the lending library will be able to locate the requested material efficiently. Such information includes: Author, title, publisher, date, article title, volume, issue, pages, ISSN/ISBN, etc. Include as much information as possible about the item; it is the responsibility of the borrowing library to verify and complete citations before submitting requests to possible lending libraries.
Verified – The borrowing library should identify the catalog or database in which it verified that the possible lending library owns the requested item.
Borrowing Notes – These can be inserted as necessary and should be used only as they specifically relate to the citation and requested material. Examples include: "Patron requires this specific edition,” “Patron needs microfilm reels covering 1955-1960,” “Please include plates associated with cited article,” etc.
Cost Statement – The maximum amount your library or patron is willing to pay for the desired item. If the borrowing library participates in an electronic fund transfer system such as IFM or EFTS, this information should also be included in the Cost Statement. Set your payment limit in writing before you submit the request. Be realistic in setting cost limits. If the borrowing library or patron cannot pay to borrow an item, fill in the cost field with a “-0-” or "will accept zero charges.” If there will be any interlibrary loan fees, notify the patron before submitting the request if you expect reimbursement from the patron.
Affiliations – List any reciprocal groups to which the borrowing library belongs, such as LVIS, so the library is sure to receive the cost benefits of belonging to such groups.
Routing Sequence – Enter the library symbols to which the request should be routed. The borrowing library may choose to route to any number of libraries up to the maximum that the system will allow. A standard ALA paper form will allow routing to only one location.
Copyright Statement – It is the borrowing library’s responsibility to decide if a request more properly conforms to copyright guidelines (CCG) or copyright law (CCL). Either way, the Copyright Revision Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-553) requires that a copyright statement be included on all interlibrary loan requests when photocopies or scanned documents are furnished. For more information regarding copyright, please visit the United States Copyright Office
Ship Via – Borrowing libraries should indicate if they would like material delivered via a specific channel, i.e. Ariel, Odyssey, e-mail, etc.
To/Lending Library Address – The address of the possible lending library to which a request is sent.
Date Shipped – The lending library will enter the date on which the requested item was shipped.
Date Due - The lending library will identify when the material is due back at that library.
Charges – The lending library will include any fees in this field for which it expects payment, including fees for lending services, postage, etc.
Date Received – The borrowing library supplies the date when requested material is received. This facilitates calculation of turnaround time, length of loan period, follow up with lending/borrowing library, etc.
Date Returned – The borrowing library supplies the date material is sent back to the lending library.
Notes – This space may be used by the lending or borrowing library to add any necessary remarks such as “Please return via courier insured for $100,” or “Please include any plates associated with the cited article.”
If a lending library can fill the request, the lending library will indicate the due date and other pertinent notes on the form, send a copy of the form with the requested item to the borrowing library, and retain record of the request until the material has been returned. The borrowing library will return any traveling copies of the request when returning the item.
When placing a RUSH request, call the lending library to verify that action can be taken. Consider that many libraries and ILL departments may have limited hours and staff. Do not assume that a staff person is available to act on requests immediately after they are sent. Refer to the library’s policies in the OCLC Policies Directory or the library’s website for information regarding how RUSH requests are handled and whether there is a fee for this type of service.
When requesting special mail handling (such as overnight delivery) from the lending library, the borrowing library should be willing to assume the cost of the special service.
Unless a specific response method is requested, the lending library will determine the method to be used in delivering materials such as Ariel, Odyssey, e-mail or fax. No additional fees or handling charges should be levied by the lending library for a request received or response sent via fax, Ariel or e-mail.
Routing and Load Leveling Technique
Each library will have unique considerations when deciding from which libraries to borrow. These may include speed of service, method of transmission, quality of service and cost. Each library must balance how best to serve its patrons while being courteous to other libraries, being sure not to inundate any specific library with borrowing requests.
Responsibilities of Borrowing Libraries
Interlibrary loan policies and workflows should be established, managed and measured in order to provide the highest quality service to all patrons.
Interlibrary loan policies and workflows should be established to protect the privacy of patrons. The patron's name and any other personally-identifiable information should only appear on in-house records at the borrowing institution so that requested material can be routed to the patron upon receipt. Any personally-identifiable information about the patron should be dissociated from the request record once the patron is no longer responsible for requested material.
Interlibrary loan borrowing policies should be made available to patrons.
The borrowing library has an obligation to develop its own collection and evaluate its interlibrary loan requests accordingly.
Students, patrons and librarians should use their library’s resources first before going to another library via interlibrary loan.
The borrowing library is responsible for copyright compliance and payment of any permissions required.
The borrowing library is obligated to provide complete and accurate information on interlibrary loan requests when submitting to possible lenders.
Honor the lending library's lending conditions, as well as special use, return shipment or any other instructions. The borrowing library is responsible for the borrowed item until it is received back by the lending library in the same condition in which it was sent.
Borrowing libraries should take care when packaging and shipping returned material to ensure that items are received back by the lending library undamaged. Various postage rates are available through the USPS and other parcel delivery services. "Library Mail" is applicable for most library materials and is generally the least expensive method. Parcels sent to Canada and other foreign countries may require a customs declaration; libraries should check with their local post offices.
Return materials by the due date. Factor in adequate time for item to go through the mail.
Request renewals before the due date. Before making a renewal request check the lending library's renewal policy. Do not ask for a renewal if an item has been identified as non-renewable. Do not instruct or encourage your patrons to call the lending library directly for renewals.
Responsibilities of Lending Libraries
Interlibrary Loan policies and workflow should be established, managed and measured in order to provide the highest quality service to all patrons.
Interlibrary lending policies should be made available and maintained in the online OCLC Policies Directory or the library’s website.
If the item requested is not available for loan within five working days, the request should be routed to the next holding library. The only exceptions would be if the lending library is the only or last location in the Routing Sequence and the item requested will not be available within five working days. The item may be reserved, if possible, and the borrowing library should be notified.
A negative response to a RUSH request should be transmitted the same working day when possible; a negative response to a Docline Urgent Patient Care request should be transmitted as soon as it is verified that the request cannot be filled.
Lending libraries should not send material in a non-requested format or through a non-requested channel without prior notice. However, when possible and within Copyright Compliance Guidelines, lending libraries may choose to fill loan requests as “article” requests by scanning and sending the entire item requested. Not only does this expedite the service to the borrowing patron by eliminating mail time, but it ensures that some items remain secure and available in their home libraries, among other benefits.
Lending libraries are obligated to make their interlibrary loan lending policies and fee schedule available to borrowing libraries.
Lending libraries are obligated to review borrowing requests and determine the borrowing library’s authorized and maximum costs. Lending libraries should not ship material to borrowing libraries if the lending library’s fees exceed the established maximum cost set by the borrowing library.
Lending libraries should clearly indicate the due date on the request form.
Lending libraries should absorb nominal costs of postage and insurance wherever possible.
Lending libraries should ensure their materials are clearly marked with property stamps so borrowing libraries can return them to the correct library if paperwork is missing.
Lending libraries should take care when packaging and shipping material to ensure that items are received by the borrowing library undamaged. Various postage rates are available through the USPS and other parcel delivery services. "Library Mail" is applicable for most library materials and is generally the least expensive method. Parcels sent to Canada and other foreign countries may require a customs declaration; libraries should check with their local post offices.
Special handling and delivery requests may be submitted by the borrowing library. The lending library should accommodate these requests if they fall within the scope of their interlibrary loan policy, or ask the borrowing library to pay for the special shipping charges or delivery.
This Interlibrary Sharing Protocol is not comprehensive. Attention should be given to other relevant guidelines such as: US Copyright Law (Title 17 of the United States Code), National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) and the ALA/RUSA’s Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States
1American Library Association. (2001). Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States (rev. 2008). Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
2American Library Association/Association of Research Libraries (1998). Measuring the performance of interlibrary loan and document delivery services. Retrieved June 18, 2009, from
MSL Consulting Resources
Advocacy is the actions individuals or organizations undertake to influence decision-making at the local, regional, state, national, and international level—that help create a desired policy or funding change in support of public libraries.
- Public Library Association
Turning the Page Supporting Libraries, Strengthening Communities
Why advocacy matters?
Libraries provide services that community members need.
Provision of these services takes money.
Not all local, state, and national leaders recognize the value of libraries or understand how the library contributes to the overall well-being of the community.
Other leaders are strong advocates whose influence needs to be maintained and cultivated.
Advocacy involves influencing and educating funding and governance leaders in order to obtain the resources the library needs to assist community members.
Where can I learn more about how to be a better advocate?
How do I get started?
Advocacy is about relationships. Think about who you know, and who they know.
Ask those individuals to meet you for coffee, talk to them when they visit the library, or when you see them in the community. Find out what they are working on. This often leads to opportunities to talk about how the library is working on those issues as well.
If they support the library ask them “What do you love about your library? Do you have a story about your library that you would be willing to share with others?” If they say yes collect the story and share it with others.
If they don’t support the library continue to talk to them and build a positive relationship. You will need to listen more than you talk. Eventually you might find common ground. Even if you don’t they are less likely to stand in the way of library efforts if they know you personally.
If you are working on funding for the library explore our resources about mill levies and winning elections.
How can I connect with local leaders?
Invite a local government leader to your library or out for coffee. Attend a community meeting and set a goal of meeting at least one new community or government leader.
Attend Montana Association of County Officers (MACo) annual conference.
Attend the Montana League of Cities and Towns Annual Conference.
How can I get involved at the state level?
Volunteer to help the Montana Library Association’s Government Affairs Committee.
Attend Legislative Night when it occurs in odd-numbered years.
Follow the work of the Montana State Library.
Follow the work of the Montana Legislature - learn about proposed bills or listen to legislative hearings.
How can I get involved at the national level?
Subscribe to wired-mt and follow-through on postings asking for action.
Read the news and updates section of EveryLibrary.
Visit the American Library Association’s Advocacy page for updates and information about national legislation.
Attend National Library Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. The State Librarian is Montana’s State Coordinator.
Why is Board Development important?
- Trusteeship is a working relationship with the community, library staff and fellow trustees.
- Trustees are entrusted by the public to look after its interest and are accountable to the public.
- There is a direct correlation between the quality of library service a community offers and the knowledge, capability and enthusiasm of its Board members.
- The most effective trustees are those who take advantage of learning and training opportunities.
I’m a new trustee! What do I need to know?
Library Administration Manual - the new combined handbooks for directors and trustees with information for each and both on running a successful public library in Montana
Trustee Trouble - A series from the Wyoming State Library depicting some common missteps trustees may experience
Trustee Manual - an earlier manual which might also be useful to look at, with information specifically for trustees.
How do we hire a new library director?
Succession planning - resources for both planned and emergency succession events
Toolkit from COSLA (Chief Officers of State Library Agencies) containing sample job descriptions, recruitment ads, interview questions, reference checks, letters and more
Public library standards recommend trustees are certified. How do we do that?
Voluntary certification for trustees
Using the ASPeN directory to track continuing education credits
Other Helpful Resources
Legal Resources for Public Libraries from previous Montana State Library trainings
Suggestions for Bylaws for Montana Library Boards (pdf)
Understanding Meeting Minutes Procedures (pdf) based on research conducted by MSL staff
MSL Extension Local Government Center resources for local government entities
MCA - Libraries - explaining libraries and local government
United for Libraries - Montana has statewide access. Login and take advantage of webinars and recorded training videos
Collection management – questions to consider
Are community members able to get what they want/need from the collection?
Are they able to find materials that reflect them and their interests?
If they are concerned about items in the library is there a process for them to express their concerns?
Is the library more than a museum for books?
Are libraries maximizing their resources to meet community needs?
Building a collection community members want to use
Excellent collection development librarians know their community. They often have personal relationships with regulars; they pay attention to what is happening locally; they look for hidden gems; and they analyze what is and isn’t being used.
These librarians use a variety of tools to learn about their community
Listen. This is the first step. Talk to your regulars. Pay attention to what they are reading.
Attend community meetings and listen to what people are saying. What are they excited about? What are they interested in? What are they worried about?
Review your usage data. What is checking out the most? Consider subjects as well as formats. What doesn’t get much use? Why is that?
Is your library in the Montana Shared Catalog? Take a look at these resources that can help you analyze your collection.
Don’t forget online collections. Review online reports as well. Are you a member of MontanaLibrary2Go? Visit this link for information about how to see these reports.
Skim local, regional, and state print or electronic media to find hidden gems that should be added to the collection.
Consider local history and stories. The community’s stories are a powerful way to learn, understand, and create. Consider the Montana Memory Project either as a resource for people to access or as a service where your library actively contributes community history.
Access to the collection is important as well. Don’t forget to practice good cataloging and review these resources that can help organize your collection up in a way that makes it easier to obtain the data you need.
Sometimes the most efficient and economical thing to do is borrow the item from another library – either through traditional Interlibrary Loan methods or through sharing groups.
Building an inclusive collection
Libraries have long been places where all people are welcome. We can build on that ideal by ensuring that our services and collections reflect all of our community members and give people access to the full range of human ideas and experiences. This is powerfully illustrated by the simple building blocks created by a group of students who analyzed why their library was so welcoming to all. You can read about the power of five in this article from American Libraries.
One of the key components? “Show me on the shelves and walls. Read those books yourself.”
How do we build collections that reflect our community members?
Use what you learned previously when you listened to community members. Ask your community members to help you choose items for the collection. Be sure you include community members from all walks of life.
Review your census data. How many community members report having disabilities? How many minorities are in your community?
Go beyond that to identify other groups in your community who might not look different from the majority but who live differently. Give them a chance to tell their stories and “share their joy” which is another fundamental thing welcoming libraries do for their community.
The Massachusetts Library System has created a guide about how to build inclusive collections.
Keeping the collection alive and responding to community members
Most of us recognize that we don’t want the library to become a museum for old books. Yet, it’s amazing how attached we are to physical items that may have been sitting on the shelf for years.
Keep your collection fresh by weeding it regularly. There are many resources and learning materials on weeding the collection. The CREW Method is the one most frequently used by public libraries.
Add to the collection as you can – either through donations or a regular ordering process. Don't have enough money to regularly add items to the collection? Consider partnering with area libraries and cooperatively managing your collections to maximize the number of items people can access.
Review your collection management policy on a regular basis to consider if you need different formats or subjects.
Finally, you may run into a community member who is concerned about an item owned by the library. This can be challenging and uncomfortable. The American Library Association has guidance on how to handle these types of complaints.
- Other resources for handling materials challenges and censorship issues.
Library Standards due at end of month – enter information via ASPeN, state aid checks will be issued in October.
E-rate form 470 window opens – Form 470 opens a competitive process for the services desired – completed 470 form must be available online for 28 days prior to filing Form 471.
Commission meeting- 2nd Wednesday
Network Advisory Council Meeting
Statistics open – enter information via statistics reporting tool
Federation annual reports due at end of month – enter information via ASPeN
Fall Federation meetings start
Commission meeting – 2nd Wednesday
Montana Shared Catalog Fall membership meeting
Fall Federation meetings - continue
Network Advisory Council Meeting
Statistics due at end of month – enter information via Library Directory
Commission meeting – 2nd Wednesday
E-rate form 471 seeks funding for eligible telecom services competitively bid – – filing window for 471 is announced by SLD each year in the fall. Libraries must have bids/contracts with service providers in writing before filing Form 471.
ELSA (Excellent Library Service Award) applications open in ASPeN
Commission meeting, 2nd Wednesday
ELSA (Excellent Library Service Award) applications are due in ASPeN
Network Advisory Council Meeting
Spring Federation meetings - start.
Commission meeting at MLA conference
Montana Library2Go Membership meeting
Spring Federation Meetings - continue
E-rate form 486 states that delivery of telecom services has begun, form 472 (optional) files for reimbursement. Forms 486 and 472 may be filed anytime after receipt of funding commitment decision letter.
Updated Public Library Annual Statistics are available on MSL website
Network Advisory Council Meeting
Montana Shared Catalog spring membership meeting
Spring Federation meetings - continue
Federation dollar amounts determined by MSL. Federation Plans of Service due (before Commission meeting) – enter information via ASPeN
OCLC annual enrollment opens – libraries will be invoiced by OCLC in August or later.
Library Standards open – enter information via ASPeN, state aid checks will be issued in October.
Commission meeting – 2nd Wednesday
USAC - The Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund (E-rate) is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and provides discounts to assist schools and libraries to obtain affordable Internet access and advanced technologies. Schools and libraries can apply annually for discounts of from 20-90% on Internet access, hardware to support wifi networks and fiber build outs.
Weekly Schools and Libraries News Brief
Some states with high E-rate participation have produced their own training materials. These might be helpful in going step by step through forms:
Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
All libraries that receive E-rate discounts for Internet Access, Internal Connections, Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections or Managed Internal Broadband Services must be compliant with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Computers and/or Internet purchased with LSTA funds must also be CIPA compliant.
To be CIPA compliant, a library must:
- Filter visual images of child pornography, obscene material and images that are harmful to minors (for use on computers accessed by minors)
- Have an Internet Safety Policy
- Hold at least one meeting open to the public where the filter and internet safety policy are discussed. A board meeting open to the public is an example of a public meeting. Save meeting minutes and public notice announcing the meeting agenda.
Resources for library administrators
Library Administration Manual - an overview of Montana library information for new public library directors and trustees
MCA - Libraries - document explaining relationships between libraries and local government
Resources for Policy Development
Resources for Materials Challenges and Censorship
Guidelines for Designing a Library Survey
Guidelines for Running a Mill Levy Campaign
Accounting and Financial Report Resources
Budget training resources
Government Information
Montana Association of Counties Information about insurance and personnel services for counties and districts
Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority Information about insurance and personnel services for cities
Local Government Services Bureau A service of the Montana Department of Administration
MSU Extension Local Government Center Resources for local government entities
Archived but still may provide some useful information:
New Library Director's Handbook (Public Librarians)
Finance and Budgeting Resources
MSL staff is willing to help with law questions, but our help doesn't carry the same weight as an attorney's. If you need an official interpretation of the law, please contact your city and/or county attorney. However we are happy to help direct you to the correct law or any supporting materials that you may need.
Laws and Rules
The Montana Constitution, Montana Laws, and Administrative Rules of Montana as they pertain to public libraries.
Library Districts
Information on forming a library district, and laws surrounding library districts.
Attorney General Opinions
Review opinions of the attorney general, useful for understanding the law and its ramifications for an organization.
Supreme Court Cases
Review Montana Supreme Court case(s) dealing with public libraries.
Montana Code Annotated
Search for Montana laws.
Frequently Asked Legal Questions
Links to documents that MSL created in order to address common legal questions that we receive.
Agreements and Attorney General Opinion 54, Number 7
This FAQ addresses agreements between local government officials and public library boards. It also gives library directors and board members ideas for how to discuss Attorney General Opinion 54, Number 7 and its impact on the library.
The Montana State Library strongly encourages all libraries to have a strategic plan. Strategic plans are helpful tools for libraries because they can focus the library's programs and services and help with decisions on allocating resources based on community needs and how the library can meet those needs. There are many different ways to approach strategic planning. You'll find some resources below. Our consultants can offer facilitation help to public libraries going through a strategic planning process. Please contact one of the consultants if you’d like more information about how the State Library can help you with your strategic plan.
There are many paths you can follow in developing your library's strategic plan. A good place to start is with some background on current issues and trends in libraries as well as data gathering.
Getting Started With Strategic Planning
From there you might want to look at some of these models for ideas and guidance.
Harwood Turning Outward Planning
Library Strategies Rapid Results Strategic Planning - This is the process MSL consultants are currently using as part of the Framing the Future IMLS funded project.
For an idea of what a completed plan looks like see
A Library Board's Guide to Strategic Planning - from United for Libraries (coming soon)
Public Library Service Responses
The Strategic Planning Process
Join a professional Association for continuing education and networking opportunities:
Montana Library Association (MLA)
American Library Association (ALA)
Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) The Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) is a twelve state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Its purpose is to promote the development of librarians and libraries by providing significant educational and networking opportunities.
Pacific Northwest Library Association (PNLA) Continuing education and networking opportunities for people who work in, with, and for libraries in Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, and Washington.
Find a library job:
Apply for a professional development grant:
MLA Professional Development Grant
MPLA Professional Development Grant
Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant from the ALA LearningRT
Attend a Leadership Institute:
Brush up on your professional competencies
Expand your knowledge using MSL Professional Development Resources
Resources for technology planning and management
Barcode Registry
A voluntary program where you enter your barcode range in the Montana Library Directory.
PC Purchasing Specifications
Some guidelines to follow when shopping for new PCs for your library.
Consider recycling your old computer. The State of Montana's Department of Environmental Quality has a new web page with information about disposing of electronics.
Best Buy stores offer trade in and recycling of electronics.
Staples offers electronic recycling.
A nonprofit organization that helps public libraries obtain donated and discounted technology products. TechSoup can support your library!
Digital Literacy
Comprehensive list of resources compiled by Arizona State Library to help teach digital literacy skills.