Transforming Teen Services Training Program with YALSA
Connected Learning in the Library
The Montana State Library is excited to participate in the Young Adult Library Services Association's (YALSA) training program, "Transforming Teen Services: A Train the Trainer Approach." Funded by IMLS and in partnership with the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), this program is an effort to bring together state library agency youth consultants and front-line library staff for a robust training program that focuses on providing connected learning frameworks for teen services, and creating opportunities for computer science and computational thinking.
If your library is interested in receiving this training, Amelea and Dusty are able to travel and can come to your library directly. Trainings are available in a variety of lengths, and we encourage you to coordinate with libraries in your area to get multiple staff trained at once.
To request a training, please fill out the Training Request Form.
If you have any questions, please contact Amelea Kim at