Montana Shared Catalog

The mission of the Montana Shared Catalog is to connect libraries and their users through resource sharing, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology.

Project Description

The Montana Shared Catalog is a cooperative project involving more than 200 libraries located across the state. Public, school, academic, medical, and special libraries have pooled their resources together to purchase a robust library automation system. Members also enjoy the benefits of shared expertise and the ability to provide great service to library customers. 

Currently, the Montana Shared Catalog uses the SirsiDynix Corporation's Symphony© product. MSC staff can be contacted via the Service Now ticket system. If you have any questions, please open a Help Desk ticket.
Please open a Help Desk Ticket with your questions, to request a cost estimate, and to learn what benefits and obligations come with being a Montana Shared Catalog member.

For more information on eligibility or other Frequently Asked Questions, please visit these two Knowledge Base Articles:

For Participating Libraries

Resource links for participating member libraries. 

There are currently 3 Resource Sharing Groups within the MSC. Membership in a sharing group is not required, but some member libraries join one to share collection materials for the benefits of their patrons.

For more information on Resource Sharing Groups, visit MSC Resource Sharing Groups.

MSC Sharing Groups
The Montana Shared Catalog sends regular updates via the GovDelivery Newsletter Platform. Visit the MSC GovDelivery Newsletter Archive Knowledge Base article to see past updates.
Policies and Bylaws are set and approved by the membership and in partnership with the State Library. Budgets are prepared by the MSC Director and discussed and voted on by the membership during their annual Spring membership meetings. Decisions about the system functionality as it relates to catalog content or the OPAC are made by the MSC Content Management Committee (CMC) in conjunction with the MSC Admin team. 

•   Members Council Bylaws
•   Meeting Minutes
•   Contract
•   Standards Compliance
•   Withdrawing from the MSC 
•   Content Management Committee (CMC)