
OverDrive logo

Click here to access Montana State Library's OverDrive collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to register. Please note that only Montana state employees, state agency contractors, and staff and board members of Montana libraries may obtain cards.
Click on the item that you want to check out. Click the "Borrow" button. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to log in at this time. Once the item has been borrowed, you can either download it to your device or access it directly in the browser (if available).
Click here for instructions on using various devices.
You can have 3 items checked out at any time.
You can keep an item for 14 days.
Yes, as long as there are no holds on it. Click here for instructions.
Click the "Place a Hold" button to put the item on hold. You will need to enter your email address to be notified that the hold is available. Once the hold is available, you will have 72 hours to check it out.
You can have 3 items on hold at any time.

At the end of the loan period, the item expires and is automatically returned to the library.

Click here for instructions on accessing the Recommend to Library feature. Please note that recommending a title does not guarantee its inclusion in the MSL collection.

Click the "Search" button at the top of the screen, then click "Advanced Search". Under "Availability", select "Available now".

Click here for troubleshooting information and helpful tutorials. If you need further assistance or are getting an error message, please email the library.

Montana State Library

P.O. Box 201800
1201 11th Avenue
Helena MT 59620-1800
Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday