Publishing and Archiving

The Hydrologic Units dataset that includes Montana is made available to patrons from three different clearinghouses:

  • Via the USDA, NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway ( This dataset is updated quarterly. It may have newer data than the HUC data accompanying the USGS National Hydrography Dataset.
  • Via the USGS as a part of the National Hydrography Dataset
  • Via the Montana Data List:
    • As part of the MSDI Hydrography dataset (HUCs are a necessary component of the USGS’s NHD dataset
    • As a file geodatabase (v10.2), which includes the 8-digit, 10-digit and 12-digit HUCs for Montana
    • As separate ESRI shapefiles for 8, 10, and 12-digit HUC levels.
    • In a web map service published by the MSDI Hydrography theme lead with the HUC data pulled from the current Montana National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)

They Hydrologic Units dataset is archived at the Montana State Library inside the Montana Hydrography archive data packages.

Theme Lead

Nathan Parry
Acting Montana State Soil Scientist
U.S. Department of Agriculture